make use of multiple cores on modern CPU/OS
Similar to what GNU makes offers with it´s -j switch, large projects would benefit greatly, if LINT was able to scan multiple files simultaneously (e.g. four on a quad core CPU).

Parallel Analysis is available in the upcoming PC-lint Plus.
Anonymous commented
Hm, i think they just can parse the visual project file and spawn multiple threads with the -u option for each .cpp? I am afraid that is not the same as PC-LINT doing 2 passes on an entire source list (without -u).
Mike Diack commented
I don't work for them, but would greatly recommend trying Riverblade's Visual Lint project - for Windows systems at least this allows you to do exactly that. Give it a look.
joseph sarbak commented
I would ask that this -j option also work on single files. It has been the case that some files are so complex that they effectively cannot be flexelinted without parallel processing. An example case would be a cpp that flexelint spent hours linting.