Relaxed parsing of *-e* inhibitions for multiple messages
Compare the parser requirement for separating commas [#...
-ecall(# [# ...], Function [,Function ...])
-emacro(# [# ...], Symbol [,Symbol ...])
-estring(# [# ...], String [,String ...])
-esym(# [# ...], Symbol [,Symbol ...])
-etype(# [# ...], Type [,Type ...])
...vs. [,#...
-e(# [,# ...])
--e(# [,# ...])
-e{# [,# ...]}
--e{# [,# ...]}
...which in my opinion makes usage a bit more difficult than necessary, as the two groups of inhibitions have slightly different requirements.
While there probably are good reasons for not requiring a separating comma for the first group of inhibitions, the second group could easily get relaxed parsing such the separating comma becomes optional, i.e.
-e(# [[,]# ...])
--e(# [[,]# ...])
-e{# [[,]# ...]}
--e{# [[,]# ...]}
In the long run, this could even be simplified to...
-e(# [# ...])
--e(# [# ...])
-e{# [# ...]}
--e{# [# ...]}
...finally resulting in the same syntax as the first group.